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A study of residents` perceptions of CECO Convention center is a landmark facility which affects the local residents economically, soci
A Study on School Uniform and Ornaments Behaviors of High School Girls The purpose of this study was to examine how high school girl st
An Appraisal of the Industrial Complex Campus Program as a Policy for Upgrading the Competitiveness of Industrial Complexes in Korea: t
Oversea Deployment of Production and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Changwon 이 글은 한국의 대표적인 기계산업 집
A Study on the Effects that the Residential Values have on Residential Satisfaction and Real Estate Investment Involvement : Focused on
A Contrastive Study on the Tone System and Tonological Phenomena between Changwon Dialect and Andong Dialect
Analysis on the Efficiency and Productivity for Machinery Firms located at Changwon Using DEA and Malmquist Method 본 연구는 자료