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A Reexamination of the Dry Lacquer Technique : From Kang Changgyu to the Korean Collection at the British Museum The dry lacquer techni
A Study on the Structural Relationships among Convention Participants’ Satisfaction with Green Convention, Corporate Attentiveness an
Since its establishment in 1974, Changwon National Industrial Complex has been the largest manufacturing hub center around the machine
Analysis of Priority for the Urban Regeneration Using Analytic Hierarchy Process in Chang-won(Masan) City 우리나라는 1960년대부
Examination for efficiency of groundwater artificial recharge in alluvial aquifer near Nakdong River of Changweon area, Korea 우리나
A Study on Gagopa Chrysanthemum Festival Activation in Changwon through the Place Asset: Focused on Festival Program 본 연구는 마
[표지] 1 세부 일정 안내 3 인사말씀 / 박완수 4 인사말씀 / 홍남표 5 환영사 / 김영선 6 환영사 / 강기윤
Relationship between Leisure Lifestyle and Fashion Lifestyle of Consumers in Changwon 본 연구의 목적은 창원지역 소비자의
A study on stone Buddha Statues of Jijangjeon and Yongsanjeon in the Sungju-temple in Changwon City 성주사는 창원의 고찰로, 9