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An Analysis on the Determinants of Population Migration in Gwangju and Jeonnam by Age and Movement Area 인구절벽시대에 직면해
The Position and Structural Characteristics of Dondae in Gyeonggi Province in the 17~18th Century 돈대는 임진왜란을 전후해
Comparison oral health status of the elderly people Lived in nursing home with private home in Gwangju metropolitan city Objectives: Th
목차 아시아의 문화수도 꿈꾸는 의향·예향의 도시, 광주 : 이병훈 의원(더불어민주당, 광주광역시
Needs Analysis about Learning the Korean Language for Chinese Students in Gwangju 이 논문은 광주 지역에서 학습 중인 중
Research on Korean traditional dance education at the Gwangju Regional Gyobang and Kwon Byeon, Gwangju National Gugak Center 이 연구
Research on Korean traditional dance education at the Gwangju Regional Gyobang and Kwon Byeon, Gwangju National Gugak Center 이 연구
Abandoned Rail Track Greenway Park from the Viewpoint of Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Gwangju 근대화와 도시 발전의 상징
Curators as Cultural Mediators : the Gwangju Biennial in the Context of Globalization of Korean Art Since the 1990s 이 논문은 광
Research on Differentiation Strategies between Gwangju Design Biennale and Art, and Integration Strategies with Industry 2005년부터