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A study on Chilean consumer’s purchase decision making process of Korean cosmetics 이 연구의 목적은 라틴아메리카 화장
Screening of Antioxidants and Cosmeceuticals from Natural Plant Resources in Jeju Island 제주 자생식물 54종을 대상을 70% 메
A study on Chilean consumer’s purchase decision making process of Korean cosmetics 이 연구의 목적은 라틴아메리카 화장
Developments of Culture Media for Human Skin Stem Cell, and Evaluation of Efficacy of Cosmetics Containing Culture Media This research
Study on Cosmeceutical Activities from Fermented Ginseng Berry Extracts 진생베리는 진세노사이드 Re을 다량함유하고 있
Antibacterial Activity of Persicaria hydropiper Extracts and Its Application for Cosmetic Material 본 연구에서는 여뀌 추출물
A Study on Buying Behaviors and Customer Satisfaction on Hair Cosmetics in Jeju 모발화장품의 시장 규모는 확대되고 있고
The Effect of Career Women’s Appearance Management Behaviors on Cosmetics Shopping Trends & the Purchase Satisfaction Degrees 이 연
The Effectiveness of Scarcity Message Type on Consumer Attitude: Focused on Moderating Role of Involvement and Self-monitoring in Onlin
The influence of Chinese` Watching Motivation of and Satisfaction from Korean Drama on their Korea Favorability and Purchase Intention