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전문자료 검색결과 (2,058건) NAVER OpenAPI

The regional identity and the regional narrative/literature - based on the case of Uijeonbu - 본 연구는 지역 정체성의 정립
Exploring Content Creation Strategies Utilizing Local Culture: Focusing on the storytelling <Uijeongbu Millennium Story> series, a loca
(A)Study on Fire Risk of Apartment House with Pilotis Structure : Focused on the Fire case of Uijeongbu-si Urban Livig Homes 대부분
High Level Promotions in the State Council(議政府), Six Ministries(六曹), and Samsa(三司) and Its Significance between the Reign
Practices and Measures for the Normalization of the Public Sphere and the Case of the Uijeongbu Incinerator 행정권력이 주도한
The Meaning of “人主之職 在論一相” on Power Structure Discussion in Early Choseon Dynasty: Uijeongbu Seosa(議政府署事)
A Study on the Analysis of Regional Tourism in Uijeongbu Using Big Data 관광코스 개발을 위한 관광객의 이동패턴을 통
The regional identity and the regional narrative/literature - based on the case of Uijeonbu - 본 연구는 지역 정체성의 정립
The effects of University students’ well-being Awareness and well-being trend on the Menu Selection attributes : Focused on the Uijeo
The regional identity and the regional narrative/literature - based on the case of Uijeonbu - 본 연구는 지역 정체성의 정립