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The Estimate of the Living Cost for the Elderly Couple This study was performed to estimate living cost for the elderly couple living i
A Study on the Public Private Partnership in the Urban Renewal : Focused on the District of Otemachi·Marunouch·Yurakucho in Tokyo 본
Distinctiveness of inner interactions in gamers' game activities : gamers between being decadent and enjoyment 이 글의 목적은 게
Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) has gained popularity for its capacity to produce geometrically complicated structures, such as l
목차 북한의 유락시설 : '사회주의 선경'속에 감춰진 민낯 / 정일영 1 [머리글] 1 급증한 유희·오락
A study on Transformation of space in Grand Shinto Shrine of Incheon and the Japanese during the Colonial Era: From spaces of entertain
Consumer's Efficient Choice of and Satisfaction for Amusement Parks - An Economic Approach to the Perfect Information Frontier - I.
Path Planning Method Based on Voronoi Map 路径规划是机器人学的最重要的研究方向之一,同时在图形学,仿真学的